Always been a huge music fan (of the stored terabytes variety). But I suspect my methods went out of date around 2008 (rip my CDs, rip friends' CDs, otherwise get hands on mp3s, rename everything manually on iTunes, keep everything in organized folders on large external hard drives; I still use the 160 GB iPod classic exclusively). I further suspect I speak for a good few people here.
I feel that these outdated methods are holding me back from discovering good new music. I don't have hours to browse obscure forums any more like I did as a teenager—of course I come across good new stuff on YouTube sometimes, but it is quite rare and very unsystematic, and I usually forget what the good tracks were soon afterwards. Also, nothing is synced across any of my devices. I have an iPhone 5 but I have never thought to use it for music—I've always preferred dedicated devices.
So, what are your 'full-stack' solutions to discovering new music consistently, collecting / storing it (not necessarily offline), and accessing it for listening? I'm particularly interested in hearing from people who used to be entrenched in the 'old' way but have made a full-scale switch and are very happy with their current discovery/storage/access protocol.