Questions tagged [bebop]

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1 vote
2 answers

What genre is 'Goodnight Julia' from Cowboy Bebop?

Goodnight Julia is a sax solo from Cowboy Bebop anime series. Cowboy Bebop has Bebop genre jazz songs but Goodnight Julia doesn't sounds like bebop to me. I want to know this kind of genre , also ...
9 votes
1 answer

What is hard bop?

How can one define the jazz style hard bop? In which way is it different from bebop? Which are the main characteristics of the style?
13 votes
2 answers

What defines Bebop as a jazz style/subgenre?

What separates Bebop from other jazz styles and subgenres? Which new things did it brought when compared to other jazz of the era? Which are the defining elements of Bebop jazz?