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Questions tagged [fatboy-slim]

For questions about the musician Fatboy Slim (AKA Norman Cook) and his works.

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4 votes
1 answer

Why was Fatboy Slim credited for "Praise You"?

From what I can tell, "Praise You" consists almost entirely of a modified from "Take Yo' Praise" by Camille Yarbrough, with a few other samples thrown in. It seems to me it should be labeled as a ...
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Was the radio talk in "Right Here, Right Now" real or created for the song?

The version of Fatboy Slim’s Right Here, Right Now from the album You've Come a Long Way, Baby ends with this radio talk: [Host] WBCN, and who’s this? [Caller] Hey, this is Brad, this is Brad, this ...
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12 votes
1 answer

The "right here, right now" sample in "Right Here, Right Now"

In Fatboy Slim’s Right Here, Right Now, the lyrics contain repetitions of "right here, right now", spoken by a woman. This sample seems to be taken from the movie Strange Days, where Angela Bassett ...
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