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Questions tagged [unknown-performer]

For questions in which the performer is unknown to the world, like in very old recordings, traditional songs, etc. Do not use this tag to identify a/an performer or artist.

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5 votes
7 answers

Musician with the most one-off aliases

On a train of thought inspired by @Bebs' question, there are many one-off fun aliases made up for "off-contract" work : for example Luther Grosvenor as Arial Bender, Bob Dylan as Blind boy Grunt and ...
Angst's user avatar
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What kind/type of Qanun music is this? [closed]

Qanun music comes in a wide variety, but what is the genre of this sharp toned version of qanun music? The video indicates that it is an extract from an album titled "Music of Islam, Volume 1: Al-...
Zazu's user avatar
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1 answer

What version of the song "Rock Me" was popular in the 1960s? [closed]

In the mid-1960s I listened to 2 AM radio stations in Southern California: KHJ and KFWB. The DJs included Sam Riddle, The Real Don Steele, and Humble Harv. A song has come to mind recently that may be ...
lifewithamac's user avatar
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"Alan Smithee" equivalent for musicians

Film directors use the pseudonym Alan Smithee with projects they don't want to be associated with and recognized. Is there an equivalent pseudonym for professional musicians who don't want to ...
Bebs's user avatar
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Did Glen Gould record the full Liszt transcription of Beethoven's 7th symphony?

Disclaimer: My main reference for all facts in the question is wikipedia. In 1992 Glen Gould recorded (recording released by Sony) Liszt's transcription of Beethoven's 5th symphony. Roughly a year ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a databse of musicians that toured with major bands?

I am looking for a reference or database that lists all the musicians that toured with Led Zeppelin. I'm not looking for the band members themselves, but the backup musicians. I once knew a man who ...
Leatherwing's user avatar
3 votes
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Tune for 'The Franklin's Maid'

The Franklin's Maid is a ballade I first encountered in The White Company, a historic novel by Arthur Conan Doyle. I am actually unsure if The Franklin's Maid is an Old English folk song or an ...
svavil's user avatar
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Mysterious artist: LaptopPlugins

The song "Home Radio" has no lyrics on MusixMatch, so I decided to contribute them. I looked online for them, to no avail. I tried to transcribe them myself, but many lines were cryptic or ...
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