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Giant Steps are what you take…

The Police song "Walking on the moon" starts with the lyrics: Giant steps are what you take, walking on the moon. Apart from the lyrical connection, is there any musical connection (...
Brian THOMAS's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can someone help me to find this song? Background music of “Lipstick Prince” korean show [closed]

can someone help me to find a Korean song? The song is a background music for “Prince Lipstick Season 2 and Episode 6 (Part 2 in minute 27:12) ON Daily Motion. which is Pentagon and Hyuna as a guest. ...
Anastasia andra's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Fifty Shades Darker, 'Code Blue' song by The Dream

From the movie 'Fifty Shades Darker' a song by The Dream which is 'Code Blue' has these repeated lines. That's what I get for loving you, code blue That's what I get for loving you, code blue ...
Nikki's user avatar
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Meaning of BRMC's song's title (0.0770833333333333)

I've been wondering for a while about what could 0.0770833333333333 mean? It's a song by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, from Beat The Devil's Tattoo album. What I figured out so far is that 0....
Timofey's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

The meaning of "Uptown Funk"

I have heard this new song titled Uptown Funk. I was interested in the line "Uptown funk you up". I tried Google Translate and did not get a meaningful translation. What does this line mean? And ...
fasisi's user avatar
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