Teddy Pendergrass' 1980 "quiet storm" R&B hit ballad "Love T.K.O." is one of the most unusual songs in the entire pop music canon. Why?
The verses are in a major tonality, while the chorus is in a minor tonality. In pop music, the verse and chorus are typically in the same tonality, usually major. When one of the two is in a different tonality, it's almost exclusively the verse in minor (for example, "Break My Stride" or "Land Down Under"). That's because the chorus is typically a emotional release from the verse. The reversal in this case leads to the song's mood of bittersweet nostalgia and regret.
I can't think of single other pop song with this reversed tonality. Can you? Accepted answer will be the highest US charting pop song (if any), but I'm open to hearing about other songs that meet the criteria.